NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of The Oxygen Works will be held online (via Zoom), on Tuesday 25th June 2024, at 6.30pm to conduct the following business:
- Welcome
- Opening remarks by the Chairman.
- Ascertainment of Quorum
- Verification of the presence of the required quorum.
- Special Resolutions – Articles of Association (AoA)
- Resolution 1: Proposed alteration to the wording of our charity purposes
- Resolution 2: Proposal to move from a two-tier to a single-tier structure
- Any Other Business
- Open floor for any other matters to be discussed.
- Adjournment
- Closing remarks and adjournment of the meeting.
- Written Resolution: Members entitled to attend and vote at the EGM are entitled to submit a Written Resolution to cast their vote. Written resolutions must be submitted before 12 midday on Tuesday 25th June 2024.
- Documentation: Relevant documents pertaining to the business of the meeting are available for inspection below, paper copies may be provided by request at the company’s registered office during business hours.
- Proposed AoA Changes Summary
- Current AoA
- New proposed AoA (updated 17/06/24 – due to corrupt link)
If you would like to get involved, please email us on to register your interest to attend or to complete a Written Resolution for our EGM.