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About The Oxygen Works.

Our Vision.

The Oxygen Works is a Highland based centre of excellence providing transformative support to individuals living with neurological and complex health conditions, to live their best lives.

Our Mission.

The Oxygen Works is a unique collaborative organisation, inspiring hope and empowering individuals through the delivery of innovative and holistic support with hyperbaric oxygen therapy at its core.

You can read more about the ethos of The Oxygen Works including our core values within our Strategic Priorities 2022-2027.

Our Structure.

The Oxygen Works is a registered charity; registered and regulated by the charity regulator OSCR under Charity Number SC020475.

We are also a company limited by guarantee. Incorporated and registered with Companies House on 31 March 1992 under Company Number SC137492.

We operate to a legal constitution, called our Memorandum and Articles of Association. This lays out the structure under which we operate.

Meet The Team.

Leigh-Ann Little.

Passionate | Compassionate | Colourful

Jenni Donnelly.

General Manager
Positive | Dedicated | Music lover

Kasia Jarzymowska.

Physio Assistant and Operations Co-Ordinator
Caring | Thoughtful | Expressive dancer

Grahame MacDonald.

Facilities Co-Ordinator and Chamber Operator
Dedicated | Methodical | Dallas Cowboy’s Fan

Nichola Douglas.

Theraplate Practioner and Client Liason Co-Ordinator
Problem solver | Candid | Gin lover

The Oxygen Works Board.

The board of The Oxygen Works is comprised of people with a range of skills, expertise and life skills and experiences who act as the governing body of the charity. We mainly refer to them as our board of Directors however they are also known as the charity Trustees.

The board help to lead, control and supervise the organisation’s activities. We meet as a board and senior management team once every second month. This helps us to ensure that we are not asking too much in terms of time commitments but that we ensure the board are kept up to date with the business from a Governance perspective.

If you would like to get involved we are always looking for passionate people with lived experience and skills as well as a range of professional expertise. Giving a relatively small amount of your time and your thoughts, opinions and input can make a huge difference to a small charity like ourselves.

Mark Georgeson.

Energetic | Positive | Empathetic

Helen Lavery.

Vice Chair
Thoughtful | Collaborative | Creative

Fraser Parr.

Practical | Loyal | Forgetful

Ron Fraser.

Talkative | Inquisitive | Perfectionist

Donald Aird.

Methodical | Considerate | Approachable

Dan Jenkins.

Optimistic | Active | Open-minded

Lynne Dickson.

Passionate | Conscientious | Music Lover

Iain Morrison.

Determined | Supportive | Innovative

Marc Wilson.

Conscientious | Kind | Open Minded

Jaci Douglas.

Dynamic | Collaborative | Dreamer


⭐ Are you passionate about making a positive contribution to the Scottish Highlands and Islands

⭐️ We are seeking committed people from all walks of life who have a genuine passion to support people to live healthy and fulfilled lives and are seen for the individual they are and not the diagnosis they present with?

⭐️ We need people who are able to offer us meaningful engagement and expertise at this critical time of our growth. People who believe they have the skills, experience and enthusiasm to deliver this fundamental role.

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